Director of Workforce and Organisational Development

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Swansea Bay University Health Board
Salary: Competitive
Closing date:
Monday 11th November 2024
Job Ref:

Recruitment timetable

Closing Date
Monday 11th November 2024
Short Listing
w/c 25th November 2024
Final Panel
w/c 9th December 2024

Associated documents


*Please scroll down for Welsh translation*

As one of seven Local Health Boards in Wales, we are proud to deliver services within a context which has at its heart the unification and integration of care for the people of Wales. By providing primary, secondary, tertiary, community, mental health and learning disability, and dental services, SBUHB is committed to improving the lives of our 390,000 residents.  We are led by our values of ‘caring for each other, working together, always improving’ – values which we are proud were developed by more than 6,000 staff, patients, their families and carers.  With 12,500 staff and a turnover of around £1 billion, we are not just an anchor institution for the Neath Port Talbot and Swansea areas, but a significant regional partner across Ceredigion, Pembrokeshire, Carmarthenshire, Neath Port Talbot and Swansea. 

We are on a journey of recovery and do not underestimate the complexity of what lies ahead.  As a Health Board in enhanced monitoring for planning and finance; and with scrutiny placed on planned and unscheduled care, there is much to do in order to realise the change needed to deliver safer services and improved outcomes to those we serve.  We are ambitious for change and committed to sustained improvement – our focus on quality and safety is resolute, demonstrated by our recently refreshed People Strategy which is aligned to our new 10-year Health Board vision to become a High Quality Organisation. 

We know that the people aspect is key and central to the successful delivery of our vision.  y prioritising the development of our culture in line with our values and supporting our staff within a culture of fairness, openness and learning we know we can achieve better outcomes for those we serve and play a central role in our city, our region, and across the NHS in Wales.

To this end, we are now seeking an inclusive, inspirational and dynamic Director of Workforce and Organisational Development to work closely with our new Chief Executive and wider Board to support the substantial programme of transformation we are currently embarking on. This is a pivotal role and one which will ensure the change that is needed is embedded at every level within the Health Board.  From establishing consistency and excellence across all facets of workforce practice to leading the Organisational Development required to realise the improvements we are striving for as a Health Board, this is an opportunity to bring about impactful, lasting change to an organisation guided by its values and committed to putting people at the heart of everything it does. 

This is a key appointment for SBUHB. With a professional qualification and grounding in best HR practice, the successful individual will also bring a track record of leading the OD portfolio and experience of supporting programmes of substantial transformation within a context of comparable complexity.  This is a role which will require the ability to operate at a strategic level to advise the Board on best practice, whilst being mindful of the real impact of change on a multi disciplined, dispersed workforce. A strategic, compassionate leader able to create the conditions for our talented and dispersed workforce to flourish and our performance to improve, above all else the appointed individual will evidence a relentless commitment to delivering better outcomes and ensuring Swansea Bay health Board is a great place to work.

If you have ambition that matches our own and a commitment to supporting and nurturing staff to realise sustainable improvement we are keen to hear from you.

For more information, please visit  

For a confidential conversation please contact our recruitment partners at GatenbySanderson:

Mohamed Ebrahim T: 07471 037135

Serena Dobson T: 07530 627120

Melanie Shearer T: 07785 616 548


Closing Date: Monday 11th November




Fel un o saith Bwrdd Iechyd Lleol yng Nghymru, rydym yn falch o ddarparu gwasanaethau o fewn cyd-destun sydd wrth wraidd uno ac integreiddio gofal ar gyfer pobl Cymru.  Trwy ddarparu gofal sylfaenol, eilaidd, trydyddol, cymunedol, iechyd meddwl ac anabledd dysgu, a gwasanaethau deintyddol, mae BIPBA wedi ymrwymo i wella bywydau ein 39,000 breswylwyr.  Rydym yn cael ein harwain gan ein gwerthoedd o 'gofalu am ein gilydd, cydweithio, bob amser yn gwella' - gwerthoedd rydym yn falch cafodd eu datblygu gan dros 6,000 o'n staff, cleifion, eu teuluoedd a gwarchodwyr.  Gyda 12,500 staff a throsiant o tua £1 biliwn, nid ydym yn sefydliad angori yn unig ar gyfer ardaloedd Castell-nedd Port Talbot ac Abertawe, ond yn bartner rhanbarthol sylweddol ar draws Ceredigion, Sir Benfro, Sir Gaerfyrddin, Castell-nedd Port Talbot ac Abertawe. 

Rydym ar daith o adferiad a pheidiwch â diystyru cymhlethdod yr hyn sydd o'n blaenau.  Fel Bwrdd Iechyd o ran monitro gwell ar gyfer cynllunio a chyllid; a gyda chraffu wedi gosod ar ofal cynlluniedig a heb ei drefnu, mae llawer i wneud i wireddu'r newid sydd ei angen i ddarparu gwasanaethau mwy diogel a gwell canlyniadau i'r rhai rydym yn eu gwasanaethu.  Rydym yn uchelgeisiol am newid ac wedi ymrwymo i welliant parhaus - mae ein ffocws ar ansawdd a diogelwch yn gadarn, a ddangoswyd gan ein Strategaeth y Bobl wedi adnewyddu'n ddiweddar sy'n cyd-fynd â'n gweledigaeth 10-mlynedd y Bwrdd Iechyd i ddod yn  Sefydliad o Ansawdd. 

Rydym yn gwybod bod yr agwedd bobl yn allweddol ac yn ganolog i gyflawni ein gweledigaeth yn llwyddiannus.  Drwy flaenoriaethu datblygiad ein diwylliant yn unol â'n gwerthoedd a chefnogi ein staff o fewn diwylliant o degwch, bod yn agored a dysgu, gwyddom y gallwn gyflawni gwell canlyniadau i'r rhai yr ydym yn eu gwasanaethu a chwarae rhan ganolog yn ein dinas, ein rhanbarth, ac ar draws y GIG yng Nghymru.

I'r perwyl hwn, rydym bellach yn chwilio am Gyfarwyddwr Gweithlu a Datblygu Sefydliadol cynhwysol, ysbrydoledig a deinamig i weithio'n agos gyda'n Prif Weithredwr newydd a'r Bwrdd ehangach i gefnogi'r rhaglen drawsnewid sylweddol yr ydym yn cychwyn arni ar hyn o bryd.  Mae hon yn rôl ganolog a bydd yn sicrhau bod y newid sydd ei angen yn cael ei ymgorffori ar bob lefel o fewn y Bwrdd Iechyd.  O sefydlu cysondeb a rhagoriaeth ar draws pob agwedd ar ymarfer y gweithlu i arwain y Datblygiad Sefydliadol sy'n ofynnol i wireddu'r gwelliannau yr ydym yn ymdrechu amdanynt fel Bwrdd Iechyd, mae hwn yn gyfle i sicrhau newid effeithiol, parhaol i sefydliad wedi'i arwain gan ei werthoedd ac wedi ymrwymo i roi pobl wrth wraidd popeth y mae'n ei wneud. 

Mae hwn yn benodiad allweddol i BIPBA.  Gyda chymhwyster proffesiynol a sylfaen mewn arfer AD gorau, bydd yr unigolyn llwyddiannus hefyd yn dod â hanes o arwain y portffolio Datblygu Sefydliadol a phrofiad o gefnogi rhaglenni trawsnewid sylweddol o fewn cyd-destun cymhlethdod cymharol.  Mae hon yn rôl a fydd yn gofyn am y gallu i weithredu ar lefel strategol i gynghori'r Bwrdd ar arfer gorau, tra'n ystyried effaith wirioneddol newid ar weithlu amlddisgyblaethol, gwasgaredig. Bydd arweinydd strategol, tosturiol sy'n gallu creu'r amodau i'n gweithlu talentog a gwasgaredig ffynnu a'n perfformiad i wella, yn anad dim, yr unigolyn penodedig yn dangos ymrwymiad di-baid i sicrhau gwell canlyniadau a sicrhau bod Bwrdd Iechyd Bae Abertawe yn lle gwych i weithio.

Os oes gennych uchelgais sy'n cyd-fynd â'n huchelgais ni ac ymrwymiad i gefnogi a meithrin staff i wireddu gwelliant cynaliadwy, rydym yn awyddus i glywed gennych.

Am fwy o wybodaeth, ewch i 


Am sgwrs gyfrinachol cysylltwch â'n partneriaid recriwtio yn GatenbySanderson:

Mohamed Ebrahim T: 07471 037135

Serena Dobson T: 07530 627120

Melanie Shearer T: 07785 616 548


Dyddiad Cau: Dydd Llun 11 Tachwedd


To view the job description and person specification, please scroll to the bottom of the page, tick to agree to the privacy policy, then click 'Continue to full details'.

How to Apply

  • Please submit an up to date copy of your CV, along with a Supporting Statement that addresses the criteria set out in the person specification, using examples to demonstrate how you meet the essential requirements.
  • A completed fit and proper person form – the template can be downloaded from the same place as the job description.
  • Detail any employment or education gaps.
  • You should provide the names, positions, organisations, and contact details for your referees, which must be your line managers and include your current and most recent employer. The referees should cover at least two roles as the minimum. Please note, should you be appointed, you will be required to provide references covering your last 6 years of employment as per the new NHS Fit and Proper Person regulations. Where there have been gaps in employment, this six year period will be extended accordingly. Referees will only be contacted for those proceeding to the final stage - we will always gain your permission before we contact referees.
  • Let us know any difficulty you may have with the indicative timetable.
  • Check that your contact details are correct before you submit.

Once you have submitted your application, you will receive an automated email to confirm that you have applied. If you do not receive this email, please make contact with GatenbySanderson.

Continue to full details and application